ID1 = student id number ID2 = Group number Role = 1 = Coordinator; 2 = Video Producer; 3 = Storyboard Coordinator; Project Developer FR_ACQ = Group Type: 1 = Friendship group; 0 = Acquaintance group Age = participant ages MeanAge = average ages of the participants ENGSUMM = Group performance score on summative task in English (score out of 15) GEOSUMM = Group performance score on summative task in Geography (score out 15) RESUMM = Group performance score on summative task in Religious Studies (score out of 10) T1 Collect1 to T3 Collect10 (Collective efficacy scores measured on a scale from 0-100 from 3 time points. T1 = Time 1, T2 = Time 2, T3 = Time 3). T1CE-T3CE = Individual level collective efficacy (mean of items 1-10) T1PEREC – T3PEREC = Proxy scores of 3 group members for the coordinator T1PEVP-T3PEVP = Proxy scores of 3 group members for the video producer T1PESB-T3PESB = Proxy scores for the 3 group members for the storyboard T1 PRPD-T3PRPD = Proxy scores for the 3 group members for the project developer T1PRECRID2 = Time1 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T1PRECRID3 = Time1 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T1PRECRID4 = Time1 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T2PRECRID2 = Time2 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T2PRECRID3 = Time2 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T2PRECRID4 = Time2 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T3PRECRID2 = Time3 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T3PRECRID3 = Time3 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T3PRECRID4 = Time3 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Coordinator T1PEVPRID1 = Time1 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T1PEVPRID3 = Time1 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T1PEVPRID4 = Time1 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T2PEVPRID1 = Time2 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T2PEVPRID3 = Time2 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T2PEVPRID4 = Time2 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T3PEVPRID1 = Time3 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T3PEVPRID3 = Time3 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T3PEVPRID4 = Time3 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T1PESBRID1 = Time1 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Storyboard Coordinator T1PESBRID2 = Time1 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Storyboard Coordinator T1PRESBRID4 = Time1 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T2PESBRID1 = Time2 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Storyboard Coordinator T2PESBRID2 = Time2 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Storyboard Coordinator T2PESBRID4 = Time2 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T3PESBRID1 = Time3 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Storyboard Coordinator T3PRESBRID2 = Time3 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Storyboard Coordinator T3PRESBRID4 = Time3 Project Developer's Proxy Efficacy for the Video Producer T1PRPDRID1 = Time1 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T1PRPDRID2 = Time1 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T1PRPDRID3 = Time1 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T2PRPDRID1 = Time2 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T2PRPDRID2 = Time2 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T2PRPDRID3= Time2 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T3PRPDRID1 = Time3 Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T3PRPDRID2 = Time3 Video Producer's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T3PRPDRID3 = Time3 Storyboard Coordinator's Proxy Efficacy for the Project Developer T1PCrole to T3PCrole = 3 Group members' ratings of the coordinator 3 scores summed then divided by 3 T1PVrole to T3PVrole = 3 Group members' proxy beliefs about the video production coordinator 3 scores for other 3 members summed then divided by 3 T1SBrole to T3SBrole = 3 Group member ratings of the Storyboard coordinator summed and then divided by 3 T1PDrole to T3PDrole = 3 Group member ratings of the Project development coordinator 3 scores summed and then divided by 3 T1MPErole T3MPErole = mean proxy efficacy for all roles for each group Correlation analysis file ENGSUMM = English summative (group) mark /15 GEOSUMM = Geography summative (group) mark /15) RESUMM = Religious Ed. summative (group) mark /10 T1MPE = Time 1 Mean Proxy Efficacy for all roles T2MPE = Time 2 Mean Proxy Efficacy for all roles T3MPE = Time 3 Mean Proxy Efficacy for all roles T1MCE = Time 1 Mean Collective Efficacy T2MCE = Time 2 Mean Collective Efficacy T3MCE = Time 3 Mean Collective Efficacy