Data from a study of electroencephalographic and behavioural responses to a set of microtonal pitch interval stimuli; together with data on the computational roughness and computational inharmonicity of the stimuli. The data represent the time course of responses at 26 electrodes from a set of musically untrained and musically trained participants. Information on participants' musical sophistication (the OMSI index), and on linking for individual stimuli is included. The stimuli are also classified in music theoretic terms related to theoretical consonance and dissonance. The analytical approaches are discussed in the paper to which they pertain. The authors of the study (conducted at MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney), are Freya Bailes, Roger T. Dean and Mary Broughton. Abbreviations/Further information: See the paper for further details. The file ERPandBehaviouralData.csv has the following headings: ID, the participant identifier (ambiguated). NM indicates non-musician, and M musician (as judged by participant claim, which can be taken together with the OMSI data). OMSI:the Ollen Musical Sophistication Index, determined by questionnaire. Mustheo: Whether the pitch intervals fell into the music theoretical categories Perfect or Imperfect Consonance (PC&IC); Dissonant (Diss); or microtonal ((MT). ET: the ET column redundantly indicates whether the pitches belonged to 12TET equal temperament (as did all PIC&IC) or to a Microtonal System(MT). Electrode: indicates the EEG electrode using conventional nomenclature. NIAmp NILat refer to the amplitude and latency of the N1 response (around 100msec); and similarly for P2. N refers to negativity and P to positivity. The following 6 headings refer to averaging response amplitude data across the specified time windows, as detailed in the paper. The Mean roughness and liking data are the behavioural responses across the stimuli indicated. The file StimulusComputations.csv contains the computed Roughness and Inharmonicity (as described in the paper) for the 22 stimuli used, which are listed in the second entry. The first 11 are equal tempered, and the second 11 are microtonal. Further information is given in the file concerning the algorithms used for the computations.