Data from: Impacts of an invasive ant species on roosting behaviour of an island endemic flying-fox
  • Description

    Abstract Introduced species can cause major disruptions to ecosystems, particularly on islands. On Christmas Island, the invasive yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) has detrimental impacts on many animals ranging from the iconic red crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) to the Christmas Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus). However, the full extent of its effects on the island’s fauna is not yet known. In this study, we investigated the impact of the yellow crazy ants on the island’s last native mammal: the Christmas Island flying-fox (Pteropus natalis). This species has been described as a keystone species, but has recently experienced substantial population decline to the extent that it is now listed as critically endangered. We examined the impacts of the yellow crazy ants on the roosting behaviour of the Christmas Island flying-fox, and on its local and island-wide distribution patterns. We showed that the crazy ants increased behaviours in the flying-foxes that were associated with avoidance of noxious stimuli, and decreased behaviours associated with resting. Roost tree selection and roost site location were not related to variation in the abundance of crazy ants on the island. Our results indicate that the crazy ants interfere with the activity budgets of the flying-foxes. However, the flying-foxes failed to relocate to ant-free roost trees or roost sites when confronted with the noxious ant, suggesting that the flying-foxes are either not sufficiently disturbed to override strong cultural attachment to roosts, or, are behaving maladaptively due to ecological naïveté. Usage notes Behavioural observations of Christmas Island flying-foxes This data was collected in the field. Individuals were observed for 30 minutes, and behaviour was recorded every minute. Column description: 'nr' refers to the observed individual. 'Tree' is the roost tree where the focal individual was roosting. 'locality' refers to the roost site where the focal individual was roosting. There were 5 different roost sotes. 'Weather' has three different categories: R=rainy, S=sunny, C=cloudy. 'TreeSpecies' is the species of tree the focal individual was roosting in. 'foliage' has three categories: O=open, H=halfopen, D=dense. 'Height' refers to the roost height of the focal individual. 'Ants' refers to the number of ants in the tree of the focal individual. 'group.alone' refers to whether the focal individual was roosting alone (a), or in a group g), and Group.Size refers to the number of individuals in the group. The last column is 'Behaviour' which refers to the observed behaviour Data_publish.xlsx

    • Data publication title Data from: Impacts of an invasive ant species on roosting behaviour of an island endemic flying-fox
    • Description

      Abstract Introduced species can cause major disruptions to ecosystems, particularly on islands. On Christmas Island, the invasive yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) has detrimental impacts on many animals ranging from the iconic red crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) to the Christmas Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus). However, the full extent of its effects on the island’s fauna is not yet known. In this study, we investigated the impact of the yellow crazy ants on the island’s last native mammal: the Christmas Island flying-fox (Pteropus natalis). This species has been described as a keystone species, but has recently experienced substantial population decline to the extent that it is now listed as critically endangered. We examined the impacts of the yellow crazy ants on the roosting behaviour of the Christmas Island flying-fox, and on its local and island-wide distribution patterns. We showed that the crazy ants increased behaviours in the flying-foxes that were associated with avoidance of noxious stimuli, and decreased behaviours associated with resting. Roost tree selection and roost site location were not related to variation in the abundance of crazy ants on the island. Our results indicate that the crazy ants interfere with the activity budgets of the flying-foxes. However, the flying-foxes failed to relocate to ant-free roost trees or roost sites when confronted with the noxious ant, suggesting that the flying-foxes are either not sufficiently disturbed to override strong cultural attachment to roosts, or, are behaving maladaptively due to ecological naïveté. Usage notes Behavioural observations of Christmas Island flying-foxes This data was collected in the field. Individuals were observed for 30 minutes, and behaviour was recorded every minute. Column description: 'nr' refers to the observed individual. 'Tree' is the roost tree where the focal individual was roosting. 'locality' refers to the roost site where the focal individual was roosting. There were 5 different roost sotes. 'Weather' has three different categories: R=rainy, S=sunny, C=cloudy. 'TreeSpecies' is the species of tree the focal individual was roosting in. 'foliage' has three categories: O=open, H=halfopen, D=dense. 'Height' refers to the roost height of the focal individual. 'Ants' refers to the number of ants in the tree of the focal individual. 'group.alone' refers to whether the focal individual was roosting alone (a), or in a group g), and Group.Size refers to the number of individuals in the group. The last column is 'Behaviour' which refers to the observed behaviour Data_publish.xlsx

    • Data type collection
    • Keywords
      • Anoplolepis gracilipes, ecological naïveté, island invasives, Pteropus, Pteropus natalis, yellow crazy ant, Australia, Christmas Island,
    • Funding source
    • Grant number(s)
      • -
    • FoR codes
      • 3109 - Zoology
      SEO codes
      Temporal (time) coverage
    • Start date
    • End date
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      Spatial (location,mapping) coverage
    • Locations
      • Christmas Island
      • Australia
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      Citation Dorrestein, Annabel; Todd, Chris; Westcott, David A; Martin, John M; Welbergen, Justin A (2018): Data from: Impacts of an invasive ant species on roosting behaviour of an island endemic flying-fox. Dryad .