This database consists of audio visual recordings of Cantonese spoken expressions of emotions produced by 10 native speakers of Cantonese.
5 speakers are female and their folders are labeled from fm1 to fm5; 5 speakers are male and their folders are labeled from m1 to m5.
Each folder consists of 21 zip files (e.g., 7 emotions x 3 presentation modes (audio only AO, visual only VO, audio visual AV).
Each zip file contains a file for each of the 50 Cantonese sentences produced in one emotion type (angry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, surprise)
and in one modality (AO, VO, AV). Note: the AV files are in MTS format(
FM5 is an exception to the above; only 25 Cantonese sentences were recorded for Sad.
To get an idea of the material, we provide 6 files in AV format as a sample.
The sample consists of sentence 1 spoken in the 6 emotions by Speaker FM1.
The data from the perception study (validation experiment) are in the file CAVES_data_final.csv