This descriptive qualitative research project will explore the experiences and roles of the midwifery educator within Australian medical schools. The Australian medical curricula commonly expect that medical students witness a natural labour and birth however maternity units may give priority to midwifery students resulting in fewer opportunities for medical students1. The employment of midwifery educators by Australian medical schools is to facilitate medical students access to labour and births and enhance their education and experiences. Despite the valuable role that midwifery educators play in Australian medical schools, there is little information about this role and their perceived benefits for medical student learning.2 Therefore the aim of this research project will identify those Australian medical schools which employ these midwifery educators and invite them to participate in semi-structured interviews to understand their experiences and the role they play as a midwifery educator within Australian medical schools.
This dataset contains transcripts of qualitative interviews with 12 participants including a semi-structured interview guide. Participants were midwives who educate medical students for Australian universities.
The dataset is not able to be shared publicly due to ethics approval restrictions. Please contact Janie Leggett to discuss this research project. ORCID 0000-0002-2144-2321