Mass- and area-based concentrations of green leaves from each of the six plots at EucFACE across 6 years (2012-2018, including different campaigns per year). Ambient plots are represented by rings 2, 3 and 6 while elevated plots are rings 1, 4 and 5.
Similar set up and description for senesced leaves and wood, although the values here are just mass-based expressed in percentage (indicated by Perc.N or Perc.P for each nutrient - need to multiply by 10 to get mg g-1).
Following descriptors are being used:
Campaign: time of measurement
Date: data of measurement
Ring: treatment plot (see above)
CO2.treat: CO2 treatment (see above)
Tree: tree number
Age : leaf age class
LeafAge : leaf age on a continuous basis as days since leaf flushing
LMA: leaf mass per area ratio in g m-2
N and P: are nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations respectively with m and a indicating mass- and area bases (for example Na or Nm). The ratios of N to P are expressed at NP and similar.