Beyond skirts and suits: gender fluid fashion among non-binary and genderqueer people in Sydney
  • Description

    Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community utilise clothing choices which blur the boundaries between “masculine” and “feminine” fashion to mark their identities within public spaces. However, few research studies have attempted to understand these clothing practises and the social implications of gender-fluid fashion within the LGBTQIA+ community. Therefore, this research project aims to explore how non-binary and genderqueer people use conventionally gendered fashion to negotiate the challenges of the gender binary in western societies. This will involve adopting an ethnographic framework to conduct semi-structured interviews and a social media analysis on Instagram and TikTok. Interviews will be conducted with non-binary and genderqueer people who are aged between 18 and 29 years old, and are currently living in Sydney. This project is expected to create valuable knowledge for LGBTQIA+ organisations and other advocacy bodies who represent the rights of trans* and gender diverse peoples. Through this data, they can gain an insight into how non-binary and genderqueer people manage the visual expression of their gender or non-gender identities, aiding the fight for the recognition and acceptance of gender diverse people within society.

    This data contains transcripts from 6 interviews with people who self-identify as non-binary and/or genderqueer between the ages of 20 and 33 who live in Sydney. This data also includes communications sent via email following the end of 2 interviews where the researcher and/or the participants had comments, amendments, or additional information regarding the content of the interview.

    This dataset contains information that is sensitive and cannot be published due to ethics conditions. To discuss this research project, please contact the principal author Lilian Tame

    • Data publication title Beyond skirts and suits: gender fluid fashion among non-binary and genderqueer people in Sydney
    • Description

      Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community utilise clothing choices which blur the boundaries between “masculine” and “feminine” fashion to mark their identities within public spaces. However, few research studies have attempted to understand these clothing practises and the social implications of gender-fluid fashion within the LGBTQIA+ community. Therefore, this research project aims to explore how non-binary and genderqueer people use conventionally gendered fashion to negotiate the challenges of the gender binary in western societies. This will involve adopting an ethnographic framework to conduct semi-structured interviews and a social media analysis on Instagram and TikTok. Interviews will be conducted with non-binary and genderqueer people who are aged between 18 and 29 years old, and are currently living in Sydney. This project is expected to create valuable knowledge for LGBTQIA+ organisations and other advocacy bodies who represent the rights of trans* and gender diverse peoples. Through this data, they can gain an insight into how non-binary and genderqueer people manage the visual expression of their gender or non-gender identities, aiding the fight for the recognition and acceptance of gender diverse people within society.

      This data contains transcripts from 6 interviews with people who self-identify as non-binary and/or genderqueer between the ages of 20 and 33 who live in Sydney. This data also includes communications sent via email following the end of 2 interviews where the researcher and/or the participants had comments, amendments, or additional information regarding the content of the interview.

      This dataset contains information that is sensitive and cannot be published due to ethics conditions. To discuss this research project, please contact the principal author Lilian Tame

    • Data type dataset
    • Keywords
      • non-binary
      • genderqueer
      • dress
      • appearance norms
      • gender identity
    • Funding source
    • Grant number(s)
      • -
    • FoR codes
      • 440107 - Social and cultural anthropology
      • 440102 - Anthropology of gender and sexuality
      • 441010 - Sociology of gender
      • 440508 - Transgender studies
      SEO codes
      Temporal (time) coverage
    • Start date
    • End date
    • Time period
      Spatial (location,mapping) coverage
    • Locations
      • Western Sydney
      Data Locations

      Type Location Notes
      The Data Manager is: Lilian Tame
      Access conditions Restricted
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      The data will be licensed under
    • Other license
    • Statement of rights in data Copyright Western Sydney University
      Citation (2024): undefined. undefined. {ID_WILL_BE_HERE}