The research data includes reaction time data and eyeblink responses measured by reflectance of an infra-red light source directed at the eye from 80 participants collected between July and October 2012. There are four groups of participants: uninformed, informed, random, and relational.
The first data sheet, (Task Switching Data Eyeblink CRs.csv) is a summary of the proportion of conditioned eyeblink responses during the CS+ and CS- stimuli for each block of 40 trials (10 CS+ and 30 CS-). Responses which conform to voluntary form responses are removed from consideration. The Group that each participant belonged to and their awareness status are indicated on the data sheet.
The second data sheet, (Task Switching Data RTs for Go NoGo.csv) is a summary of the reaction times in response to the tone stimulus presentations during the conditioning phase of the experiment average across each block of 40 trials (30 tone trials and 10 airpuff trials). Trials on which there was a 1-back response required (10 trials per block of 40) or the response occurred before the tone was presented are removed from consideration. The Group that each participant belonged to and their awareness status are indicated on the data sheet.
The third data sheet, (Task Switching Data RTs for 1-back task.csv) is a summary of the accuracy and reaction times in response to the 1-back trials during the conditioning phase of the experiment averaged across each block of 40 trials (10 1-back trials per block) in the uninformed and relational groups.
The original data files are provided in zipped format as tab delimited text files (.txt) where each row of data represents a trial. The first column is the trial number. The second column is the trial type, which is coded as a number. The third column is the time since the beginning of the trial at which button 1 was pressed, 0 if never pushed during trial. The fourth column is the time since the beginning of the trial at which button 1 was pressed a second time during the trial, 0 if not pressed twice. The fifth column is the time since the beginning of the trial at which button 5 was pressed, 0 if never pressed. The sixth column is the time since the beginning of the trial at which button 5 was pressed a second time during the trial, 0 if not pressed twice. The next 265 columns are the voltage value of the infrared light detector, which measures the reflectance of light from the eye, during the 2560ms duration of the trial. Button 1 was used to respond in the Go/NoGo task and Button 5 was used to respond in the 1-back task.