Benchmarking urban heat: Individual air temperature measurements recorded in Campbelltown, Cumberland, and Parramatta local government areas during the summer of 2018-2019
  • Description

    Air temperature in complex urban terrain can vary. A large proportion of this variation originates from differences in thermal characteristics of materials that together make up the terrain. While roads and buildings can lead to higher temperatures in urban landscapes, trees and other green urban infrastructure can provide cooling. Hence, depending on the type, make and proportion of urban infrastructure (e.g. grey, green, blue), air temperatures will vary.

    During the summer of 2018-2019, millions of individual measurements of air temperature were recorded at various locations in and around the Local Government Areas of Campbelltown, Cumberland, and Parramatta Councils.

    This dataset provides measurement locations, physical address, geographic location, and species, height and canopy density of trees at each location. Note, locations are listed according to council area and suburb. Where available, temperature data represent mean and absolute maximum and minimum values measured at each location.

    The three associated research reports include detailed methodology, analysis of results, and the heat maps generated for each area, as well as conclusions and recommendations.

    • Data publication title Benchmarking urban heat: Individual air temperature measurements recorded in Campbelltown, Cumberland, and Parramatta local government areas during the summer of 2018-2019
    • Description

      Air temperature in complex urban terrain can vary. A large proportion of this variation originates from differences in thermal characteristics of materials that together make up the terrain. While roads and buildings can lead to higher temperatures in urban landscapes, trees and other green urban infrastructure can provide cooling. Hence, depending on the type, make and proportion of urban infrastructure (e.g. grey, green, blue), air temperatures will vary.

      During the summer of 2018-2019, millions of individual measurements of air temperature were recorded at various locations in and around the Local Government Areas of Campbelltown, Cumberland, and Parramatta Councils.

      This dataset provides measurement locations, physical address, geographic location, and species, height and canopy density of trees at each location. Note, locations are listed according to council area and suburb. Where available, temperature data represent mean and absolute maximum and minimum values measured at each location.

      The three associated research reports include detailed methodology, analysis of results, and the heat maps generated for each area, as well as conclusions and recommendations.

    • Data type dataset
    • Keywords
      • Resilience
      • Sydney
      • Heatwaves
      • Urban planning
      • Microclimate
      • Air temperature
      • Environmental monitoring
      • Urban cooling
      • Trees
      • Green infrastructure
    • Funding source
    • Grant number(s)
      • -
    • FoR codes
      SEO codes
      Temporal (time) coverage
    • Start date 2018/12/01
    • End date 2019/03/15
    • Time period
      Spatial (location,mapping) coverage
    • Locations
    • Related publications
    • Related website
      • URL
      • Notes
    • Related metadata (including standards, codebooks, vocabularies, thesauri, ontologies)
    • Related data
      • URL
      • Notes
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      • Notes
      Citation Pfautsch, Sebastian; Rouillard, Susanna (2019): Benchmarking urban heat: Individual air temperature measurements recorded in Campbelltown, Cumberland, and Parramatta local government areas during the summer of 2018-2019. Western Sydney University.